For historians and enthusiasts, this Chronology of the Battles that took place on the Gothic Line can be a useful reference, indicating the salient events that guided the events and fate of the conflict. In fact, on a front of such vastness - over 300 km - indented by the Apuan and Apennine mountains, there have been many war events, among the major ones involving troops and generals and minor ones involving incursions and disturbance of the German enemy and the partisan formations. These last acts of war - the partisan actions - are however excluded from the present chronology.
25 July 1943
At 10.45pm the fall of Mussolini was announced via radio. Marshal Badoglio, as the new head of government, declares that "the war continues".
3 September 1943
The armistice between the Badoglio Government and the Allies is stipulated in Cassabile.
8 September 1943
At 7.40 pm Marshal Badoglio announces the armistice between Italy and the Allies.
9 September 1943
The National Liberation Committee (CLN) was born in Rome.
23 September 1943
Mussolini, who returned to Italy after being freed by the Germans from prison on the Gran Sasso, created the Italian Social Republic based in Salò. His private accommodations will be at Villa Feltrinelli in Gargnano.
30 April 1944
The Regional CLN for Emilia Romagna constitutes its own military command (CUMER).
26 August 1944
Operation Olive begins and on the 8thth Army attacks the Gothic Line. In the late morning the 2nd Polish Corps crosses the Metauro river, breaking the German defenses of the Red Line.
27 August 1944
The 4th Indian Division enters Cesano (Senigallia).
30 August 1944
Italian commandos attached to the 2nd Polish Corps enter Pesaro and take up positions on the Foglia river. The 1st Canadian Corps crossed the Foglia river on the night between 29 and 30 August, breaking the German defenses of the Green Line I. The Germans realized that the attack of the 8thth Army threatened the entire German deployment in northern Italy, during a high-level military conference, they developed the "Herbstnebel" (autumn fog) plan which provides for withdrawal measures up to the left bank of the Po river and the Tagliamento. The first line of resistance (Green Line I) of the Gothic Line is broken.
31 August 1944
The 2nd Polish Corps definitively liberates Pesaro.
2 September 1944
The 1th Canadian Division conquers Gradara.
3 September 1944
The 5th Canadian Division crosses the Conca River while the 46thth Division of the 5th British Corps, having crossed the Ventena river, liberates Saludecio. The first battle to conquer the Coriano ridge begins during the night.
4 September 1944
The 5th Canadian Division frees Misano. The 46th Division of the British 5th Corps liberates San Clemente. The 4th Indian Division liberates Tavoleto in the province of Pesaro. The battle for the conquest of Gemmano begins, which will continue in bloody fighting until September 15th.
5 September 1944
The 1th Canadian Division crosses the Marano torrent.
12 September 1944
On the night of September 13th the second battle of Coriano begins with the assault of the 5thth Canadian Armored Division. The battle will end on September 14th with the conquest of the ridge.
13 September 1944
The 34th “Red Bull”, the 91th and 85th “Custer” American Infantry Division of the 5thth Army began the main attack on the German defenses of the Giogo Pass and, as a diversion, being the most defended by the Germans, at the Futa Pass, in the upper Tuscan-Emilian Apennines. 88th Infantry division remains in reserve. The fighting to conquer Monte Altuzzo and Monticelli, on the sides of the Giogo Pass, will continue for six days, day and night.
14 September 1944
The 1st Canadian Corps liberates San Lorenzo in the Rimini area, while the 46th Division of the British 5th Corps occupies Montescudo.
15 September 1944
The English enter Gemmano. Green Line II (German defenses between Riccione and Gemmano) is broken.
18 September 1944
The last altitude of Monte Altuzzo has been conquered. The 5th The Army overcomes the first line of resistance of the Gothic Line (Green Line I) at the Giogo Pass after very heavy fighting to conquer Monte Altuzzo and Monticelli. At the end of the battle there will be 500 dead and over 2,000 wounded.
19 September 1944
The 1th Canadian Division stands beyond the Ausa stream and breaks through the German defenses at San Fortunato in Rimini.
21 September 1944
La Linea Gialla (difese di Rimini) viene infranta. Rimini viene liberata dal 1° Corpo Canadese e dalla 3th Brigata da Montagna Greca
21 September 1944
Gli americani del 338° entrano a Firenzuola, distrutta dai bombardamenti aerei del 12 settembre. La V Armata americana aveva sfondato la Linea Gotica al prezzo di quasi tremila tra morti e feriti.
22 September 1944
The 1th Divisione del 5° Corpo Britannico libera San Martino in Strada a Forlì.
24 September 1944
The 1th Divisione del 5° Corpo Britannico libera Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna, e alcune pattuglie superano il fiume Rubicone.
24 September 1944
Viene liberato Palazzuolo sul Senio. Prima di lasciare il paese, le truppe tedesche fanno saltare il ponte sul fiume Senio e la polveriera, provocando gravi danni a numerosi edifici, tra i quali la chiesa parrocchiale.
24 September 1944
Eccidio di Sassoleone (SP21). I partigiani della 62a Brigata Garibaldi Camicie Rosse “Pampurio” (di stanza ai Casoni di Romagna), attaccano un camion di tedeschi a Cà Cosellini, facendo almeno quattro morti tra i soldati. Un reparto di SS salito da Castel San Pietro rastrella per rappresaglia rastrella decine di persone, vecchi, donne e ragazzi. 23 sono i trucidati a colpi di mitra e bombe a mano nelle loro case e in un rifugio nei pressi della chiesa. Il campanile viene minato e fatto saltare, mentre molte case del paese e abitazioni coloniche dei dintorni sono cosparse di benzina e incendiate. Le vittime dell’eccidio nazista rimangono diversi giorni insepolte, fino all’arrivo in zona degli Alleati.
25 September 1944
The 5th Divisione del 1° Corpo Canadese supera il fiume Uso.
25 September 1944
Lo sforzo congiunto dell’8a Divisione di Fanteria Indiana e della 1a Divisione britannica libera Marradi, in cima alla valle del Lamone. Ma il fronte si arresta a poche centinaia di metri dal paese in direzione di Faenza.
26 September 1944
A Monte Battaglia vicino Casola Valsenio, formazioni della 36th Garibaldi Brigade of partisans clash with German formations.
27 September 1944
Americans of '88th Divisione Fanteria e partigiani di Bruno occupano Monte Battaglia, cerniera del sistema difensivo tedesco fra i fiumi Senio e Santerno. Inizia una battaglia sanguinosa e feroce per la difesa di questa vetta strategica.
27 September 1944
Castel del Rio è il primo comune della Valle del Santerno, e della provincia di Bologna, ad essere liberato dagli alleati.
29 September 1944
Viene conquistato il Passo della Raticosa dalla 91a Divisione I tedeschi dopo lo sfondamento sul Giogo e alla Futa avevano predisposto difese su Monte Bastione, Monte Oggioli, dominante l’intera vallata di Firenzuola, e su Mount Canda, su cui si trovavano anche alcune batterie antiaeree. Queste alte cime davano un consistente vantaggio ai difensori, essendo oltretutto scarsamente alberate, con fianchi ripidi e disagevoli. Così fu deciso un simultaneo attacco: la 34a Divisione attaccò Monte Bastione, mentre la 91a diresse le sue truppe verso Monte Oggioli; e la 85a verso Monte Canda (Candia). Tutti convergendo in direzione del Passo della Raticosa. L’attacco, sanguinosissimo, fece retrocedere il tedeschi sulle difese nei paraggi di Monghidoro con il favore del maltempo, che bloccò l’aviazione americana.
29 September 1944
Troops of the 16thth Waffen SS Division, elements of the 36th Panzer Regiment, of the 16th Anti-Aircraft Artillery, a battalion of the Ost-Regiment of the 334th Divisione Fanteria e del Flak Regiment 105 della Wehrmacht iniziano il rastrellamento degli oltre 2.000 partigiani della Stella Rossa, comadati da Lupo, riuniti sul massiccio di Monte Sole. La giornata raggiungera il suo terribile apice con la strage di Marzabotto, oltre a 191 uccisi nel cimitero di Casaglia e 216 partigiani morti, per un totale complessivo di 772 vittime.
2 October 1944
Monghidoro viene liberato dalle avanguardie anglo-americane. Viene riversato un massiccio fuoco di artiglieria sulle difese tedesche predisposte intorno a Monghidoro e nel centro abitato, dopo una lunga battaglia casa per casa. Lo stesso giorno sette partigiani monghidoresi, militanti nella 62a Brigata “Garibaldi” (i fratelli Bruno ed Ernesto Gamberini, i fratelli Emidio e Pietro Minarini, Carlo Calzolari, Fortunato Caramalli e Giuseppe Marchetti) furono rastrellati dai tedeschi, trascinati a Roncastaldo (Loiano) e fucilati, nei pressi dell’antico palazzo del capitanato della montagna. Gli americani rimasero a Monghidoro fino alla liberazione di Bologna, nell’aprile del 1945.
1 October 1944
General Oliver Leese, commander of the 8thth Armed, he was transferred to Asia, and General Sir Richard McCreery, who had fought with Alexander at Dunkirk, was appointed in his place.
2 October 1944
General Mark Clark begins a new 5th offensiveth Army towards Imola and Bologna. The German resistance is very firm: the 91th American Infantry Division stops in front of the Livergnano bastion on 10 October. On the 27th the offensive was interrupted after a final and tiring leap up to Monte Grande, a few kilometers from the Po Valley.
4 Ottobre 1944
Il paese di Loiano sulla SS65 è liberato da reparti della 5a Armata americana. L’11 successivo il governatore militare americano Gianpapa convoca nel palazzo di Roncastaldo un gruppo di personalità locali per provvedere alla nomina del sindaco. Dalla votazione risultò eletto Giuseppe Cantoni.
5 Ottobre 1944
Viene liberato il paese di Monzuno (SP79).
10 October 1944
The 10th Divisione Indiana del 5° Corpo Britannico libera Roncofreddo, e nella notte occupa Monte Codruzzo, Monte Spaccato And Monteleone. I Royal Natal Carbuneers sud africani iniziano la battaglia per la conquista di Monte Stanco. I combattimenti si susseguirono per i successivi tre giorni.
10 Ottobre 1944
Monte Sole, Monterumici, Livergnano And Mount of Ants costituiscono la cosiddetta “Linea Cesare”. Una serie di baluardi naturali quasi insormontabili per gli Alleati. Le truppe del II Corpo, al comando del gen. Keynes, li attaccano dal 10 ottobre.
10 Ottobre 1944
Viene liberato il paese di Monterenzio (SP07).
14 Ottobre 1944
Sotto il muro di Livergnano, ribattezzato ironicamente dagli americani “Liver and Onion” (fegato e cipolla), la 91a Divisione USA incontra gravissime difficoltà a procedere. I tedeschi schierano la 4a Divisione Paracadutisti e la 65a Divisione di fanteria del Generale Pfeiffer, una delle migliori formazioni della riserva. Due compagnie del 361st Infantry Regiment della 91a Divisione si arrampicano sui pendii contrafforte riuscendo a penetrare l’abitato, restando per tre giorni inchiodate dal fuoco di sbarramento nemico. il 14 ottobre Livergnano è conquistata, dopo un furioso bombardamento aereo e terrestre (la 91a spara 24.000 cannonate contro il paese). I tedeschi si ritirano poco lontani, sui bastioni montuosi attorno a Monte Adone, dove rimarranno fino alla primavera successiva.
15 October 1944
The 2th Divisione Neozelandese del 1° Corpo Canadese libera Gambettola mentre la 46th Divisione del 5° Corpo Britannico conquista Monte delle Piane And Monte Romano.
18 October 1944
The 1th Division of the 1st Canadian Corps crosses the Pisciatello stream.
19 October 1944
The first departments of the 46th Division of the 5th British Corps enters Cesena, while the 10thth Indiana Division constitutes a bridgehead across the Savio river, in the Cesenate area.
20 October 1944
The 10th Indian Division of the 5th British Corps liberates Lizzano, of Cesena while the 5thth Division of the 2nd Polish Corps liberates Civitella di Romagna and Galeata,
21 October 1944
The Cumberland Force of the 1st Canadian Corps liberates Pisignano di Cervia. The 2th New Zealand Division occupies Madonna degli Angeli in Cervi and with the 1th Canadian Division forms a bridgehead beyond the Savio. The 4th Division of the 5th British Corps, after having built a Bailey bridge during the night, crossed the Savio river with armored vehicles, aiming for Cervia, while the 5thth Division of the 2nd Polish Corps, occupied Monte della Croce, liberates San Martino in Strada (Forlì), and crosses the Rabbi stream.
22 October 1944
The Cumberland Force of the 1st Canadian Corps liberates Cervia and crosses the Savio river.
24 October 1944
The 5th Division of the 1st Canadian Corps liberates Castiglione di Cervia and Mensa, while the 10thth Indian Division liberates Polenta and Collinello near Bertinoro,
25 October 1944
The 4th Division of the 5th British Corps liberates Forlimpopoli and the 1stth British Division of the 2nd Polish Corps liberates Cusercoli near Civitella di Romagna. German General Albert Kesselring is seriously injured in a car accident. The car he is traveling in is overturned by an artillery piece. Command of Army Group C in Italy passes to General Heinrich von Viertnghoff. Kesselring resumed command of the Gothic Army Group's operations in Italy in January 1945.
26 October 1944
The 5th Division of the 1st Canadian Corps advances along state road 16, heading towards Bevano, while the 1th Canadian Division arrives at the Ronco River. The 10th Indian Division of the 5th British Corps frees Medolla and settles on the Ronco river and the 5th Division of the 2nd Polish Corps approaches Predappio.
27 October 1944
The 10th Indian Division of the British 5th Corps clashes with the Germans, who reconquer the part north of Medolla. The 3th Carpathian Division of the 2nd Polish Corps, which came to the aid of the 10thth Indian Division, reoccupies Medolla and joins the 5thth Division near Predappio
28 October 1944
The 5th Division of the 2nd Polish Corps liberates Predappio. General Clark orders the troops of the 5thth Army to stop the advance towards Bologna and to stand in defense.
30 October 1944
The Porter Force liberates Santo Stefano and San Pietro in Campiano in the province of Ravenna.
1 November 1944
The 3th Carpathian Division of the 2nd Polish Corps liberates Rocca San Casciano.
8 November 1944
During the night the 5th British Corps attacks the city of Forlì and the 3rdth Carpathian Division of the 2nd Polish Corps liberates Dovadola.
9 November 1944
The 4th Division of the British 5th Corps liberates the city of Forlì. The 46th Division crosses the Rabbi stream and heads towards Montone. The 5th Division of the 2nd Polish Corps liberates Castrocaro, while the 3th Carpathian Division, starting from Dovadola, along state road 67, heads to Forlì.
10 November 1944
The Porter Force frees Gambellara and heads towards Coccolia in the province of Ravenna.
11 November 1944
The Porter Force arrives at Fosso Ghiaia along the coast road.
November 12, 1944
The 3th Carpathian Division of the 2nd Polish Corps liberates Modigliana.
November 13, 1944
It is broadcast by the radio station Italy Fights Alexander's proclamation, with which the commander of the allied forces in Italy announces the suspension of operations on the Gothic Line and asks the partisans of the north to cease activities, save ammunition and wait for new instructions. Historians consider this one of the great mistakes of General Alexander.
November 21, 1944
The 46th Division of the 5th British Corps, having crossed the Cosina torrent, liberates Castiglione di Forlì.
November 22, 1944
The 3th Carpathian Division of the 2nd Polish Corps liberates Oriolo and San Biagio in the province of Faenza.
24 November 1944
The 46th Division of the 5th British Corps crosses the Marzeno stream and heads towards Faenza, while the 3rdth Carpathian Division of the 2nd Polish Corps liberates Chiesuola and Santa Lucia in the province of Faenza.
On the Apennine front, in front of Lizzano in Belvedere, three infantry battalions of the IV Corps of the 5th Army, supported by tanks and artillery unsuccessfully attack the buttresses of Monte Belvedere. These are the 435th Anti-aircraft Battalion, retrained as infantry, a Battalion of the 370th Regiment of the 92ndth Infantry Division and a Battalion of the 1stth Infantry Division of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force. After briefly gaining the summit, the 435th is forced to retreat due to accurate coordinated artillery fire from a ridge of mountains above, which will in the future be called "Riva Ridge".
26 November 1944
The 46th Division of the British 5th Corps, with some advanced patrols, reaches Borgo Durbecco di Faenza, but due to strong German resistance it has to retreat to more defensible positions. The 3th Carpathian Division of the 2nd Polish Corps reaches the Lamone river in Brisighella
29 November 1944
Casola Valsenio viene liberata dalle truppe indiane britanniche.
29 November 1944
The 3th Carpathian Division of the 2nd Polish Corps liberates Brisighella. On the front of the 5th The 1st Army was armedth Divisione Brasiliana di Fanteria esegue un secondo attacco, che fallirà, a Monte Castello, un promontorio con ripidi pendi che si protendono da nord sul massiccio del Monte Belvedere, che costituisce una torre di guardia della difesa tedesca.
2 December 1944
The 1th Division of the 1st Canadian Corps crosses the Via Cupa drain, while the 10thth Indian Division of the 5th British Corps occupies the Castellina Bridge, on the Russi-Faenza road
3 December 1944
The 1th Division of the 1st Canadian Corps advances towards the Russians.
4 December 1944
The 5th Divisione del 1° Corpo Canadese supera i Fiumi Uniti e libera Godo, San Michele And Piangipane, in provincia di Ravenna.
5 Dicembre 1944
I patrioti della Brigata “Maiella” combattendo a fianco dei sudafricani e liberano Brisighella.
6 December 1944
The 11thth 5th Brigadeth Divisione del 1° Corpo Canadese raggiunge il fiume Lamone, in località Mezzano di Ravenna.
7 December 1944
The 1st Canadian Corps, Popski's Private Army (Allied Special Forces), and some local partisan groups attack Sant'Alberto, in the province of Ravenna.
8 Dicembre 1944
Fontanelice torna alla libertà, tre mesi dopo l’inizio dell’offensiva alleata contro la Gotica.
9 December 1944
Unit of the 5th Division of the 1st Canadian Corps, the PPA and groups of partisans, raid the north-east coast of Ravenna from the Germans. The 3th Carpathian Division of the 2nd Polish Corps crosses the Sintria stream and continues towards Faenza.
12 December 1944
A Task Force of the 5th Canadian Division crosses the Lamone in Mezzano, in the province of Ravenna, and the Fosso Vecchio, until it reaches the Naviglio canal near Alfonsine.
On the front of 5a The 1st Army was armedth Brazilian Infantry Division carries out a third attack, which also fails, on Monte Castello.
12 December 1944
Alexander, appointed field marshal, takes command of the Allied Forces in the Mediterranean. General Clark is appointed to command the 15th Army Group in Italy and General Lucian Truscott assumes command of the 5thth Army.
16 December 1944
The 1th Division of the 1st Canadian Corps begins the battle to liberate Bagnacavallo.
17 December 1944
The 2th Divisione Neozelandese del 5° Corpo Britannico raggiunge Borgo Durbecco di Faenza, e si attesta sulla riva destra del fiume Lamone. La 1th Divisione del 1° Corpo Canadese stringe da due lati la città di Bagnacavallo. La 10th Divisione Indiana del 5° Corpo Britannico raggiunge il fiume Senio nell’alto Faentino, mentre la 3th Divisione Carpatica del 2° Corpo Polacco raggiunge Limisano (Rocca S. Casciano)
18 December 1944
The 2th Divisione Neozelandese del 5° Corpo Britannico entra a Faenza; mentre la 46th Divisione Indiana del 5° Corpo Britannico, superato San Silvestro, in provincia di Faenza, entra a Faenza da ovest.
21 December 1944
The 1th Divisione del 1° Corpo Canadese libera Bagnacavallo e si dirige verso il fiume, Senio che raggiunge il 22 novembre.
23 December 1944
The 1st Canadian Corps, the 5th British Corps and the 2nd Polish Corps, coming from State Road 9, stationed themselves on the right bank of the Senio river in Sant'Alberto. Towards the Apennines, the 3th Carpathian Division of the 2nd Polish Corps and the 10thth Indian Division continues fighting to reach the Senio River.
25 December 1944
The German offensive begins in Garfagnana, in which troops from the Italian Social Republic also participate.
26 December 1944
The 5th Divisione del 1° Corpo Canadese è attestata lungo il canale Naviglio, di fronte a Cotignola, saldamente difesa dei tedeschi.
29 December 1944
The Allied counteroffensive in Garfagnana restored the front line in a few days.
2 January 1945
The 5th Division of the 1st Canadian Corps, starting from Conventello and Porto Corsini, begins to rake the valleys until it reaches the right bank of the Rhine.
3 January 1945
The Combat Group (GdC) – military units of the Italian co-belligerent army – “Cremona” is sent to the front.
6 January 1945
The 1th and 5th Divisione del 1° Corpo Canadese liberano Sant’Alberto, Mandriole And Casal Borsetti in provincia di Ravenna, e raggiungono il fiume Reno.
7 January 1945
The 8thth Armata stretches from the Apennine ridge to the Adriatic. along the lines of the Senio and Reno rivers. The offensive called “Operation Olive” ends.
12 January 1945
The “Cremona” Combat Group reaches the Alfonsine-Sant'Alberto front, in the province of Ravenna, assuming responsibility for it from 14 January.
16 February 1945
The 1st Canadian Army Corps leaves for the French front and is replaced by the British 5th Corps.
9 February 1945
The GdC "Friuli" is deployed on the front line in the upper Senio valley, in the Brisighella sector, under the command of the 2nd Polish Corps and, from 11 March, of the 10th British Corps.
18 February 1945
On the night between 18 and 19 February elements of the 86th Regiment of the 10thth Divisione da Montagna americana danno inizio all’Operazione “Encore”, attaccando il crinale dei Monti della Riva, immediatamente a sud-ovest del Monte Belvedere, nell’alto Appennino Tosco-Emiliano.
February 19, 1945
At 11pm all three battalions of the 10thth American Mountain Division attacks Monte Belvedere and Monte Gorgolesco, which will be conquered the following day.
February 21, 1945
The Battalions of the 1stth Divisione Brasiliana (FEB) catturano Monte Castello, sulla destra di Monte Belvedere.
March 1, 1945
The “Folgore” GdC enters the front line in the upper valley of the Santerno river, in the border area of the provinces of Ravenna and Bologna, in the sector already occupied by the 6th British Armored Division.
2 March 1945
“Operation Rino” begins south of the Rhine River, which will continue throughout March 3rd. The GdC “Cremona” the 10thth Company of the "Garibaldi" Brigade, supported by the Allied air force, conquer Chiavica Pedone and Torre del Primano, in the province of Ravenna.
5 March 1945
The 87th and 85th Regiments of the 10thth Mountain Division capture, respectively, Castel d'Aiano and Monte della SPE. Thus the “Encore” Operation in the upper Tuscan-Emilian Apennines comes to an end.
7 March 1945
The “Legnano” GdC is attested in the upper valley of the Idice stream.
9 March 1945
The 36th “Garibaldi” Brigade, based in Borgo Tossignano, in the Santerno valley, comes under the command of the “Nembo” Regiment of the “Folgore” GdC, with the name of 1th Partisan Company “Folgore” Alessandro Bianconcini.
10 March 1945
After leaving Italy, German General Albert Kesselring was replaced by Gerd von Rundstedt, now commander-in-chief of the Western sector. Von Vietinghoff returns to his place, recalled from East Prussia.
March 18, 1945
The "Legnano" GdC enters the front line, in the sector of the Idice river and on the ridge between the Idice river and the Zena and Quaderna streams, near Monterenzio, under the command before the 91stth American division, then, from 1 April, of the 2nd American Army Corps,
5 April 1945
On the Tyrrhenian front, Japanese-American troops, conquering a series of ridges, led to the collapse of the German defenses in Versilia and Lunigiana.
10 April 1945
On the front of the 5th Army, the American Command, in the framework of "Operation Beta" targeting the Parish of Vignale in the Bolognese Apennines, entrusts the "Legnano" GdC with a disturbance action to distract the Germans. The spring offensive of the 8th beginsth Army: Operation “Grapeshot”. In the hilly sector of the Senio river the "Friuli" GdC begins the "Operation Easter", which will lead to the conquest of Cuffiano and Riolo Terme. At the same time, “Operation Sonia” began, i.e. the attack on the winter line of the Senio in the Ravenna plain. The 2th New Zealand Division of the British 5th Corps liberates Cotignola on the 8thth Indian Division liberates Lugo and the GdC “Cremona” liberates Alfonsine and Fusignano.
11 April 1945
Given the retreat of the German units after some demonstration attacks, the GdC "Folgore" also launched itself in pursuit of the enemy, and occupied Tossignano on the evening of 11 April. The 43th Gurka Division and the 3th Carpathian Division of the 2nd Polish Corps liberates Solarolo.
12 April 1945
The 3th Carpathian Division of the 2nd Polish Corps liberates Castelbolognese; and the 8thth Indian Division liberates Sant'Agata sul Santerno. The GdC "Folgore" and "Friuli" descending along the Santerno valley reach Casalfiumanese, Pediano, Codrignano. The GdC “Cremona” overcomes the German defenses on the Canalina and on the Fusignano canal.
12 April 1945
American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd president of the United States of America, dies. The news delays the 5th Army's offensive on the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, scheduled for that day. Discarded on 13 April for superstitious reasons, the offensive began on 14 April.
13 April 1945
The "Cremona" GdC and the allied troops reach the Santerno river in the lower Ravenna area. The 2th New Zealand Division of the British 5th Corps liberates Massa Lombarda.
14 April 1945
The Polish troops advancing on the Via Emilia and the “Folgore” and “Friuli” police forces on the left liberate Imola. The 46th British Division frees Conselice and the 56thth British Division Silver Thread.
14 April 1945
On the front of the 5th The three battalions of the 10th Armyth Mountain Division and the 1th American Armored Division launches the Spring Offensive known as Operation "Craftsman", attacking the German lines deployed in front of Castel d'Aiano, at Rocca di Roffeno up to Monte Pero, which dominates the town of Vergato and state road 64. The 1th Brazilian division attacks the town of Montese. The 6th South African Armored Division begins the attack towards the Sole, Abelle and Caprara mountains, defended by the 16th Waffen SS.
15 April 1945
After crossing the Sellustra torrent, Italian and British infantry advance towards the Sillaro torrent. The 2nd Polish Corps, after having crossed the Santerno river, reaches the Sillaro.
16 April 1945
The GdC “Legnano” attacks Poggio dei Mori and Monte Arnigo. The 56th British Division liberates Bastia near Argenta.
17 April 1945
The “Nembo” Regiment of the “Folgore” GdC occupies Vedriano and Castellazzo, near Castel S. Pietro. The 2nd Polish Corps liberates Castel S. Pietro Terme and Medicina.
18 April 1945
Argenta is released from 78th Division of the British 5th Corps.
19 April 1945
The “Friuli” and “Folgore” GdC occupy Case Grizzano and Casalecchio de' Conti, near Castel S.Pietro Terme. The infantrymen of the Gdc "Friuli" enter Castel San Pietro first and advance on the Gaiana Torrent. After a bloody battle, which lasted four days, the Germans abandoned the hills above the town of Montese, and the Brazilians of the Força Expeditionaria Brasileira began the descent towards the Panaro river, crossing the towns of Zocca and Vignola.
20 April 1945
The GdC “Legnano” advances towards Poggio Scanno, Monte Gradizzo, Casola Canina Cà dei Minghetti and Spicchi Rossi. The 2th Commandos Brigade of the 5th British Corps liberates Portomaggiore, Massa Fiscaglia and Mirandola near Bologna. The Gdc “Friuli” reaches the Savena stream late in the evening; and departments of the GdC “Nembo” reach Matteuzza, Parish of Cappella, Palazzo Bentivoglio and Poggio Ribano. On the same day the “Caorle” Battalion reaches Monte Pieve; and the 2th New Zealand Division liberates Budrio.
On the front of the 5th Army soldiers of the 85th Regiment of the 10thth Mountain Division arrives in the Po Valley 8km west of Bologna. They will cross the Via Emilia at Ponte Samoggia.
21 April 1945
The Poles enter Bologna first. The GdC "Folgore" is ordered to stop when it is already in sight of the city of Bologna. The “Friuli” and “Legnano” GdC arrive in Bologna at 8 and 10 respectively. At the same time as the Italian departments, other Polish departments and elements of the 5th enter American Army. The 28thth Garibaldi Brigade liberates Porto Garibaldi and Comacchio; while the 5th British Corps liberates Poggio Renatico
22 April 1945
The 167th Brigade of the 5th British Corps Liberates Bondeno, Cento and Mirabello.
23 April 1945
The 167th Brigade of the 5th British Corps frees Copparo. The “Cremona” GdC, after having liberated Mezzogoro and Codigoro, stands on the embankment of the Po di Goro. The 6th Armored Division of the British 5th Corps begins the liberation of Ferrara. The soldiers of the 1stth Brazilian Division enters Vignola,
24 April 1945
The “Cremona” GdC crosses the Po di Goro and occupies Ariano Polesine. The 6th Armored Division of the British 5th Corps completes the liberation of Ferrara.
26 April 1945
Mussolini, disguised as a German soldier, while fleeing towards Como and Switzerland, was captured by the partisans.
28 April 1945
German troops in Italy surrender unconditionally effective May 2.
Benito Mussolini and Claretta Petacci are sentenced to death and killed.
30 April 1945
In Berlin, Adolf Hitler takes his own life together with his wife Eva Braun.
2 May 1945
The war in Italy ends.