After months of work and dedication, despite the difficult period in which many activities, especially those in the tourism and museum sector, had to stop, there are those who have made the most of the time by taking action to expand the tourist information and training offer; from the desire to collaborate and network among the major associations and museums operating in Italy in research and historical dissemination relating to the Italian Campaign, the Italy War Route officially comes to life.
A project which has, as a common objective, that of promoting places of memory in the regions involved in the Second World War in order to expand the cultural and tourist offer and the dissemination of the historical memory of the universal values of peace, freedom and democracy in the new generations. The first concrete act is the creation and dissemination of the Italy War Route map guide, a new editorial product promoted by nine Museums, centers of the Historical Memory of the events of the 1943/1945 Italian Campaign.
The map guide directs the visitor to discover the permanent museum exhibitions, which tell the story of the vicissitudes of soldiers and civilians who were protagonists in the war, while excursions in the territories under the jurisdiction of the museums allow for in-depth analysis thanks to the guidance of people motivated by a passion for history. A large section of the map is dedicated to the main military events and the cemeteries left as a reminder of the enormous tribute of blood.
The promoters and implementers are:
- Museum of Operation Avalanche – Eboli (SA)
- War Museum Gustav Line Gargliano Front – Castelforte (LT)
- Winterline Museum Venafro – Venafro (IS)
- Battle of Cassino Association Study and Research Center – Cassino (FR)
- Museum of the Italian Liberation Corps – Scapoli (IS)
- Tuscan Gothic Museum – Scarperia (FI)
- Winter Line Research and Documentation Center – Livergnano di Pianoro (BO)
- Freedom Memorial Museum – Bologna (BO)
- Museum of the Second World War of the Po River – Sermide and Felonica (MN)
- Rover Joe Museum – Fidenza (PR)